Department of Geography Faculty

Name : NINGOMBAM BABITA CHANU (Utilized Posting at Modern College)
Designation : Assistant Professor
Email :
Date of Birth :
Date of Joining : 1997-12-20

Qualification :

M.Sc., M. Phil

Workshops/Conferences/Seminars(National/International) :

1. U.G.C sponsored International Conference ‘’Sustainable Development and North East India in a Globalized Era” from 29th-30th Dec,  2017.
2. U.G.C sponsored “Motivation and Leadership Techniques for Government College teachers from 1st-3rd August, 2016.
3. U.G.C sponsored National Seminar on “The Repercussion of Conflict Management” from 20th-21st Nov, 2017.
4. Workshop on “Child Sex Ratio and Gender Sensitization” on 30th Aug, 2019.
5. Directorate U sponsored “Information Technology and Digital Services” from 26th Nov – 13th Dec, 2019.